Cohiba Cuban Cigars is the flagship brand of Habanos. It was created in 1966 for President Fidel Castro himself and was made at the then top secret, but now world famous, El Laguito factory. At first, it was only seen outside Cuba as gifts for heads of state and visiting diplomats. Since 1982 Cohiba has been available in limited quantities to the open market.
The term āCohiba Cuban Cigars ā is an ancient word of the Cuban Taino Indians for the wraps of tobacco leaves that they smoked. Columbusā report testifies to this wrap as the first form of cigar known to Europeans.
The leaves of the Cohiba represent the āselection of the selectionā from the five best Vegas Finas de Primera in the San Juan y Martinez and San Luis areas of the Vuelta Abajo region.
It is typical of the Cohiba Cuban CigarsĀ that two of the insert leaf types, Seco and Ligero, are additionally fermented in barrels for a third time, which helps the cigars to achieve an extremely smooth and rounded development of their variety of flavors. No cigar combines strength and finesse in the same way as a Cohiba.
The LĆnea Maduro has been part of the Cohiba brand since 2007.Ā It consists of three formats, which are characterized by particularly dark cover pages.Ā Specially selected and fermented wrappers are subjected to a minimum of five years of maturation in Tercios (tobacco bales wrapped in royal palm leaves).Ā This causes an extraordinarily complex aroma development of these medium-strong to strong
Showing 1–30 of 46 results
Cohiba popularĀ sizes are made with Tripa larga, Totalmente a Mano ā long filler, totally hand made vitolas.
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