In addition to the Línea Clásica, the Línea 1492 and the Línea Maduro 5, Cohiba Behike will be the fourth series within the top brand Cohiba. Due to the limited availability of the tobacco used, these cigars are only available in limited quantities. For the first time in the world of Cuban premium cigars, a fourth inlay tobacco is used for Cohiba Behike, which is called “Medio Tiempo”. It describes the two leaves at the top of the tobacco plants that are grown under the free sun. However, not every plant forms these leaves and after careful selection and storage, only a limited amount is available for the production of the Cohiba Behikes. The Medio Tiempo brings with it an enormous variety of flavors and distinctive strength that is unparalleled in the world of cigar.
The cigars are therefore aimed primarily at experienced and demanding aficionados.
Only a selection of the best tobacco from selected plantations in the San Luis and San Juan y Martinez regions in the Vuelta Abajo provides the basis for these special cigars.
In the Cohiba manufactory “El Laguito”, a group of the best torcedores has been specially trained to manufacture the cigars of the Línea Cohiba Behike.
The packaging and design of the Behike is also new and unique. They are only available in high-quality lacquered boxes of ten. The cigars have a completely redesigned ring with two holograms.